Wall Tie Inspection: Can You Do It Yourself?

Inspecting wall ties might sound daunting, but with a bit of know-how, you can certainly give it a go yourself. Wall ties play a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of cavity walls by holding the inner and outer leaves together. Over time, however, they can corrode, leading to potential structural issues. Here's a guide to help you through the process.

For wall ties in Bristol, Swansea, Cardiff, and nearby areas, contact us today at 01639 790426 or 07852 229017.

Steps to Inspect Wall Ties Yourself

cavity wall tie inspections

Step 1: Gather Necessary Tools

Make sure you have all the tools mentioned above before starting your inspection.

Step 2: Visual Inspection of Walls

Start with a visual inspection. Look for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks, bulging, or rust stains.

Step 3: Checking for Cracks and Rust Stains

Examine the mortar joints for cracks and the surface of the wall for rust stains.

Step 4: Using a Metal Detector

If you want to be thorough, you can use a metal detector to locate wall ties. This device will help you detect the presence of metal ties behind the mortar. Move the detector slowly across the wall surface. Consistent beeping at regular intervals indicates the presence of ties. If the detector fails to pick up any signals where ties should be, this could indicate corrosion or absence.

Step 5: Documenting Your Findings

Take photos and notes of any issues you find. This documentation will be useful if you need to call in a professional later.

Using Technology for Wall Tie Inspection

Infrared Cameras

Infrared cameras can help detect temperature differences in the wall, indicating potential issues with wall ties.

Endoscopic Cameras

Endoscopic cameras can be used to get a closer look at the wall ties inside the cavity without causing much damage to the wall itself.

When to Call a Professional

Signs That Require Professional Attention

If you notice significant cracks, bulging walls, or extensive rust stains, it's time to call a professional.

Benefits of Professional Inspection

Professionals have the expertise and advanced tools to conduct a thorough inspection and provide accurate results.

Contact Us for Wall Tie Replacement in Cardiff

We specialise in wall ties in Swansea, Cardiff, Bristol, and the surrounding areas and can offer expert guidance on selecting the best wall ties for your unique requirements. Simply call us at 01639 790426 or 07852 229017 or use our contact form to get started.